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With a spotlight on culture and lifestyle, together with a focus on Intellectual and financial wealth.
The shape and scope remains lead by an appetite for new philosophy and thinking. The objective of Houghton & Mackay is to explore, navigate our world seeking new and interesting discussions, to network and grow; no matter what direction it takes.
These are the family names of the creator(s) and owners. It is a private family based in the United Kingdom, with a lineage in Education, investing and the Cognitive Sciences, in addition to stakeholders and associates.
Founded by the British Investor, entrepreneur and philanthropist, Karl Houghton. With a background in training and development, team leadership and the arts. He is the driving force behind this organization, serving as Editor in Chief.
The focus is on the avant-garde, the new, the alternative within the Worlds of culture, lifestyle and wealth, covering a wide spectrum of subjects within these genre. Each article is threaded with a philosophical tenor. Whether it is a discussion on a lifestyle choice, a culturally diverse angle, or a financial focus.
Yes, see the Magazine over at where you can see the latest posts, plus participants who use Houghton & Mackay to promote their own focus too. To publish with the online magazine, initiate a review or network, send over an email.
Yes, people who wish to access a large audience and have their articles published are very welcome to enquire. In return for your article, it will be edited and published on your behalf in-house. Outbound links are accepted. Unlike other websites attracting writers, only one article is published at a time. The audience to writer ratio currently stands at 30,000 to 1. Very good exposure for those starting out. Learn more about writing for Houghton & Mackay. (very easy, just send a sample to us)
Yes. There is a Facebook page with circa 25,000 followers, plus a Linkedin Page, together with a page on Instagram. The page has nearly a million visitors too.
No. Houghton & Mackay focuses on the subjects of finance, wealth and the wide scope of lifestyle and goods associated with these subjects. The financial side is managed privately, and solely for the benefit of the principal, with the social media, projects and any philanthropy being provided to the public and subscribers separately, supported by and as a result of the former.
We offer advertising in the magazine, collaborative and sponsored posts written for clients for publication in the magazine. In addition to this photographers pay to have their work showcased to our audience, giving them additional, valuable exposure. There is also a mentorship program for new and beginner writers. Enquire via our contact page to learn more.
Advertise on our front page or within articles. Before enquiring, ensure your service or product broadly complements the categories covered in this publication. Advertisements may be an outbound link, a banner, poster with links embedded or included in a collaborative / sponsored post or article. See the Content Marketing Page here.
Do you want us to write a sponsored post about your Brand, event, product or media launch or project? Absolutely, we provide a full professional service for brands and individuals wishing to gain access to our network in order to promote their own projects, services or goods. Read about it here.
Copyright © 2025 Houghton & Mackay® is a registered trademark. Based in the United Kingdom. The publications found within the magazine website are not necessarily representative, endorsed by, nor form the opinions of Houghton & Mackay and its owner. Front page fashion show Photo Credit: Armen Ardinyan Any financial or lifestyle publications or related are not intended to surmount to legal, tax or financial advice. Registered with the Information Commissioners Office, UK. Unsolicited Communications to Houghton & Mackay and its principal members or owners are only accepted via / See all links via our Linktree
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